McDonalds and Medicaid

I have always tried to be a fair-minded person. Nobody is perfect, but I aim to see multiple sides of an issue and to respect opinions I disagree with. I understand how lawyers can do their best to defend even the most egregious of criminals, I don't think we need activist judges no matter what their opinions, because it is their job to interpret law, not make it. I find partisan politics is an absurd waste of everyone's time. Evangelism needs to stay out of public schools. Polluters should not make society pay the price of their business practices. One person, one vote, no matter how poor or rich or well connected. And people taking government handouts are still entitled to their own opinions.

Basically fairness and respect.

The office I work in is full of fast food. All day long, people come through the door with bags from McDonalds, which is close to the office park. It is pretty much the same people over and over, while the rest of us bring foods from home.

This job is temporary, and several people there use Tenn Care, which is medicaid in Tennessee. And despite my ideals, I keep wondering why the taxpayers, who don't pay my medical bills, are going to have pick up the cost of the heart bypasses these people are eating their way towards. I don't like to be judgmental, but watching what they eat is disgusting, and they don't even go into the break room to do it. Our department smells likes fries. But I suppose it's no different that anyone else eating massive amounts of fast food. Whether it's high insurance or medicaid, we all share the costs in the end.

Too bad there aren't deductions for people who eat right.


1 clove garlic

3 T tahini

1/4 cup lemon juice

1 T olive oil

salt, if necessary

1 cup chickpeas, soaked and well cooked with a little salt, or one can of chickpeas

If using canned chickpeas, boil for a while if they are firm. Put all the ingredients into a food processor and puree.
