So I miss a day of work. Were I on salary and getting paid for it, it would be way cooler, but I'm still glad I wasn't one of the people getting in wrecks early this morning. And since I work for the Federal Government, the work day was optional anyway.
I'm not sure why my blog is double posting. I also can't figure why it sometimes cross posts to Blogger, but not always. Ah. the mysteries of the web.
Made a batch of mozzarella cheese. This is my third batch, and it came out the best. It's shiny and firm, and stretched beautifully. I put sundried tomatoes in this batch. Last time, it came out soft, sharp and a bit grainy, more like Chevre than mozzarella. It had pesto folded in, and tasted delicious, but it was not what I was aiming for. I'm not even sure if I could repeat it.
President's Day used to be two holidays, and honored Washington and Lincoln. Are we supposed to honor all the presidents now? Some of them flat out do not deserve it. But if we have to honor all of them, I don't see why we should stop at U.S. presidents. I would like to add Mandela, Walesa and Havel to our honorees.
I've been editing my nano a chapter at a time. I print out a chapter each day, and take it to work along with yesterday's chapter. During a slow time, I go over the chapters and make changes by hand. Each chapter gets looked at on two consecutive days before I type in the changes. I always have one I've already looked at, and one that I haven't. In addition, a coworker is reading it, but he is several chapters behind me. I look at the edited version before i print out his copy. This is the most organized I have ever been about editing.
The tee shirts came in. And the snow keeps snowing.
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