Who are you, Liz and why are you in my phone?

I figured out who Dave was first. Then it dawned on me who the Amy with the NC phone number was, but I have yet to figure out either Liz or Rae, both of whom have Tenn. phone #s.

I got a new phone. Rather than transfer the phone list, I moved it number by number, so I could cull out the no-longer-relevant ones. The alarm code to the first job that laid me off. The safe combination to the other one. That job had phone contacts for people from both the head office and the other stores. All gone.

It was harder last time I did this, two years ago. For one thing, I had that phone for years. I moved during the time I had it, so it had both Tenn numbers and NC ones. I had the numbers of parents of the kid's friends, other gymnastic parents, names that I needed for a school or temple event or martial arts competition that I never took back out. It was full of random Karens and Nicoles, names with no faces until I thought really hard, and remembered the one time we traded numbers in case we lost each other at a meet or needed to give directions. Am I still in their phones, the unknown Nina?

So while this time was easier, there were still some moments of confusion. I know a Lorna here. We're not really friends, but we have several friends in common and it would not be far fetched for me to have her number. Still, I didn't remember why I had it, and was even more confused that it was a NC number. She's British, and lives in Tenn. My first thought was that I had put 919 in as the area code out of habit, that it was my error. Then it dawned on me that I had a friend named Lorna back home. I knew her from the martial arts studio, and this was her number.

I know lots of Lizzes, even have a cousin with the name, but none of them live here. And Rae? I think she may be an acronym.
