Failing unemployment 101

So I know I haven't been on here much. Been busy. It was hard enough to go from 3 months of unemployment to full time work, in an office, yet. I like the people, but office work doesn't mean anything to me. I do a good job, I think. People I have talked to on the phones have told me I'm helpful. Nonetheless, I miss professional kitchens.

I will be filling in for a local pastry chef who left town for a family emergency. It's temporary, and her job was not full time. In addition, the kitchen crew can pick up part of her job, because they know I have a full time job. But anyway, I will be baking at the Tin Angel Restaurant a few half shifts a week, then going in to the Census job.

The Census office is gearing up. We are doing a bunch of hiring. It's crowded and loud. Kitchens just don't have nearly as many people packed in a small space. Offices pay better, but baking is what I like doing.

So I'm a little nervous. The first few days anywhere are always a bit discombobulated, because you don't know where anything is. But I think I'm following somebody kind of like me. I've heard good things about her. And I've never been one for balancing two jobs, but hey, it's all temporary, even the census.

Oh, and I passed a supervisor test a few days ago. Not that I have a supervisor job, but if one opens, I can apply for it.

Now, bed.
