Kroger and the Sunday music potluck

I went to Kroger to buy coffee filters and strawberries. This is only worth a comment because I probably haven't been in a grocery store in two months, possibly more. Kurt is working more again, but for a while, his hours were few and far between. Meanwhile, I've been working two jobs, so the shopping and housework fell to him.

The housework is slipping, although I do bits here and there. I really haven't missed grocery shopping at all. It has not changed in the few month hiatus, but we were out of coffee filters, and we needed to bring something to the potluck. I used to bake for these things, but I wasn't inspired. Kurt made a fruit salad.

The weather was nice, the socializing was pleasant and the food was good, but somehow, the music wasn't doing much for either of us this time round. We left a little early, which is a good thing. I like being home.

Not sure how much longer I can keep up this schedule, but I am trying to work the census job until it ends, rather than quit. It will give me the option of collecting unemployment until I find something with more hours than the restaurant where I bake. But the census has gotten crazy. It's crunch time there, total mayhem. We are adding new workers at an alarming pace. We need them, but I feel like there is always someone shadowing me, learning what I do. It's how we teach each other, because the training classes are not really effective. Still, it's too many at once.

There are two new additions to the roster of unusual occupations of the denizens of the Halfway House for the Unemployed: A wood furniture maker and the road manager for Steppenwolf.

Got a new chapter ready for the writers group Tuesday. It needs help, but this group is good at giving it.
