
Writer's group last night. There were only four of us. Meetings have been sporadic since the flood. We are meeting at a Panera in Madison for the time being, but the problem with meeting in any bedroom community at 6 pm is that you get stuck in commuter traffic. I will be glad when they get Opry Mills open again.

I sent the short story I wrote from Dixie's challenge #1, the one about the guys dressed as their dads in a bar. They liked it! They did want me to flesh it out, and one person wants me to bring it up a notch, maybe less casual. Not really sure how to do this. What I put out there was all I wrote. It's not like I invented any back story that I didn't use.

They did think that with a little work, I should submit this for publication, which makes me happy. I might put it up on Zoetrope after this weekend to see if I get helpful suggestions. I don't want to put it up until I have time to reciprocate critiques, and this weekend, I will be at Killer Nashville.


I paid for Friday, but am going to do a combination of volunteering and attending workshops all three days. I've never attended anything like this before. I'm not a mystery writer, but there are workshops for all writers, and some of the forensic presentations sound interesting. I plan to attend the one on psychopaths, but police work doesn't really interest me.

I haven't really figured out what my genre is yet. I bounce around, but I tend towards magic realism. My writers group has talked about my style, but I'm not sure what they mean. I can't see it in my own writing, but it's nice to know I have one.
