Christmas and the forgotten child

I called Kurt as soon as I realized. I was closing the last of the wonderful boxes of confections I'd made for everyone's gifts when I remembered.

It went to voicemail. "Kurt," I said after waiting for the inevitable "To leave a callback number, press five." Has anyone ever done that? If you go to your missed calls, there's the callback number.

But I digress.

"Kurt, I forgot Aidan exists," I told his voicemail. I'd been feeling so on top of things. I'd shipped out all the orders I'd gotten from my etsy sites, had made the last of the goodies with my daughter (she shaped the marzipans this year. I usually do fruits. These were way more fun, things like sushi, mushrooms, a pizza and a garlic bulb.) I was putting together gifts and then I remembered.

There's a new generation.

It's been years since I had to shop for gifts for Kurt's family. I always make a beautiful selection of sweets, nice enough that I put the assortments up for sale on etsy this year. The nieces and nephews got money in the bottom of their tins as well. In fact, only one of them still qualifies. The rest are adults.

Except there's a 16 month old now, my oldest nephew's son. I didn't get him a gift last year, when he was 4 months old. I had never met him. I made him a quilt for his birth. A four month old doesn't notice presents and I hate shopping.

But kids? Buying stuff for kids is fun. And expected. So there I was, me, the anti-shopper, at Wal-Mart on a rainy, Dec 22 afternoon. The parking lot was jammed. I thought the store would be a disaster.

It wasn't. I didn't even buy the first thing that would work. I looked around until I found something that I thought suited him, from what I've heard. Four animals that roll, that he could push along with his little hands and make the noises himself, as he's prone to do. Cute, looked well made.

Time to start a new cycle of finding age appropriate toys each year. Cool.

We got home and Kurt asked about the pies. Wasn't I going to make pies to take with us? I've always been responsible for the pies, ever since I first joined his family and showed up at Christmas with a blueberry apple pie.

How on earth did I forget that?

So I made a pear pie and a pear cranberry pie. All is set to go. Happy Hanukah and merry Christmas.
