The gingerbread band

We went to Surefire Publishing's Christmas party last night. They have been in the music business longer than anyone currently operating in Nashville. It is a family run operation. They provided food, but also asked people to bring some. I made a whole platter of gingerbread people. Most were playing guitars, but I made more people than guitars, so the plain ones had round mouths (Red Hots). They were singing.

The guitar ones went fast, even though there was a whole table of desserts. I think it was the novelty of it. I had to hand cut the guitars. They do make guitar cookie cutters, but I don't know where to buy them except on line, and it's ridiculous to pay 7 or 8 dollars shipping on a cookie cutter. I also think they'd be too big for my people cutters.

I'm thinking of buying a blow torch and making my own, out of copper flashing. Then I could do enough instruments for a whole band.

The party was energetic. There was a very large music circle, mostly good quality. I guess it helps that the party was by invitation, even though the invites were pretty open.

My Hanukah candles did not work out. I used kite string for the wick, and it won't burn.

Gingerbread Folk

350˚ 12 min

1/2 cup shortening

1/2 cup brown sugar

3 1/4 cups flour

1 t salt

1 t baking soda

1/2t cinnamon

1/8 t cloves

2t ginger

3/4c molasses

1/4c water

Cream shortening and sugar. Sift dry goods. Add, alternating with water

and molasses. Chill. Roll 1/4” thick. Use floured cutters.


  1. Aren't those guys cute! Any amps and monitors around?
    Really hushed early morning in Salzburg: light snowfall at almost -4° C; the few cars on their way are real slow, slippery roads before the road maintenance people put out salt to have the principle roads de-iced to keep traffic going.


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