The awakening earth

The census is kicking up, and the office is a train wreck. Still, I have not been too busy to notice that the redbud is budding and the grass in the office park is lush and green. I take all my breaks outdoors. Even so, I was not prepared for how quickly everything has changed in one week, especially the woods.

The yard already needs mowing. I'm not sure when to plant my garden here. I lived for years in the same house, near lowland woods, and I gauged planting times by what came up naturally. There are no jack-in-the-pulpits here, and although we aren't farther north, it frosts later here than in NC. We pretty much moved due west, but we are in the hills. Also, there are mountains between us and the gulfstream, which keeps the east coast more temperate.
Peach trees in bloom are so pretty. Last year, it frosted the last day of April, and we got no peaches. My instincts tell me that it won't happen again this year, and that I can plant my garden, but I'm not sure I trust them. I'm feeling very burned out.

We went to the Art Crawl last night. Its the monthly event where all the downtown galleries have a show opening on the same night. I think most decent sized cities have something similar. Very festive. Came home to watch NCAA basketball and fell asleep during the game. Duke is my favorite team, and I couldn't keep my eyes open to watch them win.

I'll be working when the finals are played. I hesitate to post my new work hours on line, except to say that they're really crazy. I moved to doing payroll. It has more longevity than some of the other census jobs, but they're all temporary.

We've added a photographer and an actuary to our department, and have begun hiring 1600 people to work in the field. It's more work than you'd think, but it is pretty cool to offer people a job. You really make their day.

The heat's turning up at the Halfway House for the Unemployed.
