Burgess Falls

This is where we went. I have not had much time off, and had planned to use Tuesday to catch up on some projects at home, but the weather was good and we had a rare full day off together. We went to a state park nearly two hours drive east of here, towards the mountains. This park has three major waterfalls. The first is about twenty feet, the second, about 80, and the last is 120 ft. There is a riverside trail that connects them. If you want to (which we did), you can climb the rocks down to the bottom of the giant one. It's beautiful.

We stopped on some rocks about halfway back up and had a picnic by the river, upstream of the main falls.

So the house still needs cleaning and the lawn still needs mowing, but it was a lovely trip.

Writer's group last night. One member absolutely hated my chapter. We had been in touch by email about it, and I was almost afraid to hear what everyone else had to say about it. I got some good, constructive suggestions and the rest of them like where it's going. It made me feel better. I really lack confidence about my writing and I shouldn't. It's not perfect, but it's not crap either. I think it's just that putting your writing out there for others to see is like putting a bit of yourself on the line. I have to keep reminding myself that I am not my writing.

A member that hadn't been there in a while showed up, and we all had a fun visit. Very diverse group, and we enjoy each others company.

Both jobs today. I will be working late, and am having trouble adjusting to the new schedule. I wake up at the crack of dawn no matter what. I'm just not a night owl anymore.
