Friday five

1. It is restaurant week here. This is when a group of independent restaurants run set priced menus. Ours is a 3 course meal. The idea is to get people to try out and support independent restaurants. Busy. No day off, in fact, except Sunday.

2. Snowed yesterday.

3. I drove home on snowy, icy roads. Big deal for me. I've had a number of heat impaired cars and small trucks which have put me in some scary situations in snow, so I'm a bit panicky about it. But the Versa did okay.

4. Started reading a new book and quit. The writer didn't seem to like the protagonist, so why should I care about her? Freedom, by Jonathan Franzen. Don't bother. Started a book my husband just finished reading. Simple Justice, It's the first in a mystery series by John Morgan Wilson. Good so far.

5. I used Kat's rowboat/climate analogy in a conversation yesterday.
