Thursday three

1. The monthly music potluck was last Sunday. Lately, it hasn't been anything to blog about, but I think it doesn't get as many people when it is all indoors. We had a nice reprieve from winter, good weather for sitting outside. Lots of good musicians.
I took a chocolate torte that was leftover from a party menu at work. We weren't going to serve it and it worked out well for the potluck.

2. Been writing a lot. I'm not satisfied with the way my novel opens. I'm trying a different approach. Not sure if it's working or if I'm just going to confuse people. Kurt thinks the old opening is better, but I think it takes too long to get going.
Does anyone feel like reading 30 pages?

3. Stormy today. It's alternately raining and violently pouring.
Good day to read. I've finished 3 books this year, all by John Morgan Wilson. I like his writing, even though I'm not usually a mystery fan. His protagonist is a gay male in West Hollywood, CA, so if you are offended by homosexuality, you won't like these books. I've lived and worked in Durham, NC, which has a strong lesbian community, but I've never been around anything the scope of West Hollywood. I found it to be an interesting backdrop.
Currently reading The Surest Poison, by Chester Campbell. He's in my writer's group. We are all in the "Thanks to" acknowledgement, which I think is pretty cool.
