Day off to-do list

Kurt is working today. I find I get way more done when I am alone, but this may be too ambitious. I thought I'd write it down and take a look.

1) Retake bathroom
The bathroom in the old part of the house had become a chicken environment. Even though the tub was lined with a folded up plastic banner and newspaper, then covered with pine shavings, it's still kind of a mess. The chickens are finally living outdoors, but that bathroom needs a thorough cleaning, especially the tub. Also, there are pine shavings that got tracked into the hallway. It all needs to go.

2) Put away laundry.
We are both good about doing laundry, but then it sits there in the baskets on the bedroom floor.

3) Work in the studio.
This is a several hour project. I want to refresh my etsy store. I haven't added anything new in ages. I'm adding a line of cabinet knobs and some other household stuff. No emphasis on jewelry. Too much jewelry on etsy.

4) Mow the backyard.
We have the mowing broken into four sections. One is the fenced yard, which I did last weekend. The trailer yard, which I mow so it doesn't look abandoned, I did yesterday. We have a large back area that isn't fenced and also the front yard.

5) Make a pie crust and an asparagus quiche.
I need to use up the milk and the asparagus. And Kurt bought a block of Swiss cheese at Aldi, but we don't really eat it by itself.

6) Make chocolate chip coconut bars.
Ditto on the milk. And I have a sweet tooth. Plus, I want our chef to try them before we change the menu again. I think they have possibilities as a tart.

7) Garden
The turnips are bolting. I need to pull them up. I'll blanche and freeze the greens since I'm not using them right away.

8) Read over a short story I want to edit and enter in a Glimmertrain contest.

9) Call my folks.
I generally do this on Sunday.

10) Quit blogging and get dressed.
Because I'm not mowing the lawn in pajama pants.
