Waving from the driveway, part 2

It's a good thing I'm not an "I told you so" person. Even if I was, I didn't get the chance. Ivy already told me she should have waited another day before leaving for school.

Despite her messy room, she's compulsively organized about certain things. One of them is scheduling her time. Orientation starts Thursday and she is moving into a grad school apartment. Her roommate has been there most of the summer already, and also lives nearby. Ivy took one load of stuff there in a rented U-Haul when she was still in NYC, but for the most part, she wants to acquire furniture and groceries before orientation.

It's a two day drive from here to NJ. She left Sunday morning, while Irene was moving up the coast. I really wanted her wait another day and see what the damage was and where, but she was so focused on getting up there in time to get comfortably moved in that I settled for telling her to fill her gas tank when she was within a tank's driving range of Princeton, in case there was no power where she was going.

Not only is there no power, but Princeton, NJ is flooded.

She got to Harrisonburg, VA, the first stop, with no problem. It was west of any storm areas. The problem was that she couldn't continue on to Princeton from there and she was in a motel. We have a friend in Princeton who told us what was happening there. Ivy also talked to her roommate, who had gone home for the hurricane. She checked on the apartment later in the day. The apartment is okay but the road was underwater. She had to walk two miles to get to it.

Ivy's undergrad roommate lives in Baltimore which is on the way, so she is staying with her family until she can continue on to NJ. It's about a 6 hour drive from there. I suggested that she buy some non-perishable food before going into a post hurricane zone, as the stores may not be open. Even if they are, they will be sold out of bread.

And that's all I can do, other than be glad that she's staying with a nice family until Princeton drains. She's capable and I know it, but it's hard to let go. Just because the kids grew up doesn't mean I'll stop being Mom.
